get to know a little bit more about me! ![]() ![]() MARCH 202503/01 very very busy!!
hiii yall :3 i am alive don't worry! i'm no longer sick, just the occasional stuffed up with snot when i first wake up ><
JANUARY 202501/30 urk... keep getting sick as hell and its 100% due to the weather -_- my immune system is just so terrible the rapid fire temperature changes are sending my body into a tizzy. ended up almost sleeping 20 hours out of a day; thankfully that seemed to do the trick and now i am feeling more with it and better ;; still... its rough on everyone experiencing winter rn i think. things could be way worse though. this winter we've constantly had a crock pot going w/ hot & spicy foods to kick the sickness's ass too wahaha. 01/10 things are going pretty well :)i'm still not quite sure how often i want to do blog entries, but i'll try to do one every 1-2 months if possible. anywaaaay, hi hi hello :3 i haven't been up to much honestly. i've been pretty low energy but i am trying to get back into playing games and stuff like that. possibly drawing more as well. if i do any doodles i like i'll be sure to post them here! DECEMBER 202412/17 wooo!welcome to my first ever blog entry! i've been having so much fun messing with my neocities. it doesn't function the best and is held together with tape and a prayer, but i'm enjoying myself! i dont really have any concrete plans on what im going to use this for; but some ideas ive been toying with have been life updates, things i find neat, and my transitioning progress. |