hrt counter: 12 months on t!

29 + any pronouns
white/ndn (white passing)


i'm a simple house husband who spends most of their time reading or writing. this is my 'hub' site, and a place for me to mess around with when im bored! so nice to meet you :3

sagittarius sun & moon.
death + emperor | 7w8 & entp

like i said above; any pronouns are okay for me. i describe my gender as being everything at once, to put it in the simplest terms. i'm having fun :o)

my special interests include dolls (specifically monster high, bratzillaz, & vintage dolls like monchichi and my child), monkeys & gorillas, and gardening (i enjoy flower pressing with that).

i also have a myriad of likes; including but not limited to: crocheting, sewing, fashion in general, mycology, taxidermy, astrology and fortune telling, and i am known to play games and watch shows from time to time...

specific random things i am obsessed with: journey to the west (yes, the book, and all its adaptations basically), vivienne westwood fashion, all of ai yazawa's works, anything by ryukishi07, games by suda51, revolutionary girl utena (both the anime, movie, & the manga), anything by yoko taro, designing clothes, and collecting and preserving both plants and animals.

major ccs include but not limited to... genjo sanzo, rhys strongfork, ren honjo, nana komatsu, david zappa, gilgamesh, & akagi shigeru

sometimes i write and post my original and fan works online. i'll try to update here too as it comes; but don't expect much outta me :o)

i loooove making edits & taking screen caps of things i'm playing/watching. most of that can be found on my tumblr & steam. i may make a section on here for some of my favorite stuff, it's all a work in progresss! any edits & caps i do share are free to use; you don't even have to credit me!

if we end up talking i apologize in advance for my poor typing & word jumbles. i blame the years i spent on mmo's as a kid. believe it or not, i'm actually making an effort to type somewhat properly here!!

hmm. what else is there to say?

if you'd like to contact me please check out my links! i have included other places i inhabit online there. i am always down to make new friends <3

tysm for reading this far!
have a lovely day

♡ magical angel ♡

12/27/24 added some caps/edits & writing to said sections

12/11/24 site is officially live!

12/2/24 working on making site useable and cute lol